Addresses / Maps


For Zurich, Central Switzerland, the "Mittelland" and Ticino

PanExel Zug

Thomas Müller lic. iur.

Managing Partner

Grundstrasse 10

CH-6340 Baar


Phone 041 711 00 96

Mobile 079 663 66 00

thomas [dot] mueller [at] panexel [dot] ch


PanExel Zug

Corinna Müller lic. phil. I


Grundstrasse 10

CH-6340 Baar


Phone 041 711 00 66

Mobile 076 373 66 00

corinna [dot] mueller [at] panexel [dot] ch



for the regions of Lucerne and the "Mittelland"

PanExel Sursee

Ignaz Fischer

Managing Partner

Centralstrasse 8a

CH-6210 Sursee


Lageplan Sursee

Phone 041 921 45 45

Mobile 079 364 17 88

ignaz [dot] fischer [at] panexel [dot] ch


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